I confess, I do believe the first carrots I remember eating were cooked. And I didn't like them. But they were marginally better than the peas they were nestled amongst. So I ate them.
Yes, I am talking about those little orange cubes that hung out with those wrinkled green balls - all lately from the freezer - that stared up at me from my childhood plate.
Who ever thought peas and carrots were a good idea?
The mush fest that taunted me from my plate, why did this seem like something that I would ever ever like?
Turns out, it makes much more sense if THESE are the carrots someone had in mind. These would make great peas & carrots. Especially if you were working with fresh garden peas.
These early spring babies are sweet and crispy crunchy. Heck, even those little buzz cut carrot tops I left on them are pretty tasty once they've been cooked.
Better yet, these babies are so tender and sweet, they don't even need a glaze. Glazing these guys might even be a crime. Though - after eating this early spring bounty I can see where the idea of glazing carrots came from.
"Gosh, I wish these giant stored carrots had some of the early harvest sweetness."
And let me tell you after eating these babies, those whittled "baby carrots" at the grocery store look like the false promise they are.
All you need:
Fresh, tender baby carrots.
Peeler/scrubby brush
Cut off the tops leaving an inch or two - ASAP. All that lovely sweetness is being eaten by the leaves.
Give them a really good scrubbing or a quick peel. Your choice. You can just scrape them with a knife too.
Trim the green top to about an inch or so. Toss in a little oil, sprinkle with a little salt, and roast at 425F for about 10 min.
That's it.
Yum YUM!
1 comment:
I laughed so hard, I cried! Mom
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