Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bye-Bye CSA bag....

Well, my CSA (community supported agriculture) bag has petered out for the year.  The end of the season for Washington state grown veggies has passed.  Sigh.  And the nearby Farmer's Markets closed in October.  It is interesting how produce shopping habits have changed.

I still shopped for onions and garlic at the grocery store along with the occasional celery - but mostly just took what came.

I am still staring at a mole-hill of under ripe pears willing them to not turn into a mountain.  What to do, what to do...  Well the Christmas food season is coming - spiced-pear pate-de-fruit to go into a sugar cookie sandwich with a little Nutella?  Only time - and taste will tell.

I recently heard the thought that while a good savory-chef is always experimenting in the kitchen, they can usually taste as they go.  A pastry-chef on the other hand has to do more on faith, and just wait and see how it comes out on the other end, so they roll more in the 'Mad Scientist' mode.

I wonder which where on the spectrum I'll come up this time.